Journaling my Battle with Cancer

Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in January 2010, Tricia journals her battle with the disease and her own insecurities.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Normal :)

Wow---it HAS been a long time since I posted a new blog. It's been busy around our house and treatment continues to go well for me. Having very few side effects and holding the white blood cell & platelet counts at normal. I am currently only on one medication (Tarceva). I had to stop the clinical trial (which was 2 medications) because my white blood cell count would not stay high enough. They couldn't lower the doses any more so I had to stop the clinical trial drug (which I still don't know if it was the real drug or the placebo). At first, I was a little down because the scan results had been so good and I felt like this was a setback. As always, God quickly reminded me that He is in control and that my job is to trust Him, not the medication.

We traveled to Lynchburg, VA last weekend to visit with my sister-in-law and her family and sing at their church, Keystone Baptist. We had such a great time and God gave me opportunities to share His love even before church Sunday morning. The congregation of Keystone is a wonderful, warm family that welcomed us with open arms, love and generosity. It was great to be able to put faces with the names of people I see on cards and messages. We were delighted to worship with them and hope to visit with them again at some point.

So...what else have I been up to? Well - as strange as this may sound, I've been praising God for "normal" lately. I am blessed beyond belief that I am able to maintain a very busy schedule, cook for my family and work. I have very few reminders that I have cancer. I take my medication in the morning, wait an hour to eat (& have coffee - there's the tough part!!) and then I'm going the rest of the day. I can breathe deeply; I can sing; I can attend church; I can lead my precious youth choir; I can enjoy time at home and out with my family; I can work out...I even found myself a couple of weekends ago being thankful that I could clean my kitchen...and I am NOT EVER excited about housecleaning!! :)

God is so good...I am so much more aware of His grace, His mercy. So much more thankful for ALL that He as given me. I realize how much I took for granted before. I've heard people say that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to them...don't think I'm there yet (or ever will be), but I get the point. It does bring things into perspective. I am thankful that God sees fit to use this for His purpose...that in my brokenness, physically, spiritually and emotionally, He shines through to accomplish something for Him. I continue to be excited about what He is doing and how He is working. I am hoping, praying for more opportunities to share His story in me. I continue to surrender to His will and pray that I will recognize and listen to His guidance.

Tomorrow, I have been asked to share the story I shared in my last blog with my church. We've just completed Chip Ingram's r12 study and tomorrow's service is our time for testimony. I am honored to share a story that until a few weeks ago, I couldn't even verbalize. I stand amazed at what God can bring about in a life willing to surrender. I ask for your continued support in prayer both for His healing and peace, but more than that for my continued surrender to continued willingness to be broken and remolded to reflect His beauty.

Psalm 96



  1. Tricia, I love your new blog design! You did a great job! Your post is so positive, so inspiring - I truly appreciate you sharing your journey with us. I'm so thankful for all God is bringing about in you and through you. You're just simply awesome! Lots of love and prayers, Laurie

  2. Trisha,
    I pray with and for you. I thank God for restoring you completely, mind, body, spirit.
    I believe God is our divine healer. You are very courageous for sharing your journey with us.
    See yourself well. You are healed.
    In Christ
